Monday, April 13, 2009

Japanese lunch boxes 弁当

I'm pretty sure this past weekend will be the last Hanami for me. I'm now working 6 days a week and up to my eyeballs in work since the new school year just began. I cannot blog or You Tube as much as I normally do, but I still try to squeeze in a bit of "geek" time when I can!

Yesterday I went to the Mukogawa with my wife. It is one of the last weekends (if not THE last) with intact cherry blossoms. We had a great picnic. We bought obentos (lunchboxes) at Hanshin Department in Kobe. These ones were true "gourmet" lunch boxes, unlike the ones you can normally get at a convenience store!

This is what my wife's lunch looked like. It was heavy on the seafood.

Here was mine. It was a "gourmet" tonkatsu or breaded pork cutlet.

The inside of the pork cutlet (very lean white meat) had asparagus and cheese. It was AMAZING! The shop we got it from was KYK in Hanshin Department Store.

Just thought this Coke Zero ad interesting. "Wild Health!" This is Okinawan j-pop singer Namie Amuro and she is indeed impressive!

Here's my most recent You Tube endeavour. I was working on this collaboration video for a few weeks.
A Trip Around the World


Anonymous said...

Looking Very Delicious and Crispy!
I Buy Barbeques

Anonymous said...

Why do I always read your blog when I haven't had anything to eat? Man those boxes looks DELICIOUS!