Saturday, June 25, 2011

Running to Help Japan: I Did It!

Long story short, "I did it!" Today was the big day for Running to Help Japan. Today was my 60km run. I completed the entire 60 kilometers in 6:38:55.

This was easily the most difficult thing I have ever done. i have never experienced so much pain or emotion doing something. Now, I have heat rash on my feet, an amazing sunburn (I applied sunscreen several times) and VERY sore legs.

I can't wait to go to bed early tonight.

Tomorrow, I will write a detailed run report and tell you guys all a lot more. Now, I sleep!

I dedicate this to everyone who supported me through this journey!

What's next?

1 comment:

z-chan said...

OTSUKARESAMADESHITA! wow Kevin, you must be so proud of yourself, thats an amazing achievement and you did it in such a great cause! will find a way of donating! well done, my friend, well well done x