Friday, January 29, 2010

R.I.P. Rodger Swan

Although I never met him, Rodger Swan left a lasting impression on me as well as thousands of other people. Those who watched his You Tube videos of his life as an American living in Japan will think of him fondly.

Just a few short days ago, this well known Japan You Tube vlogger's life came to an end suddenly and unexpectedly. He first came to Japan as a university student and returned last year as a teacher with the JET Program.

Rodger seemed like a very likable man. He seemed genuine, kind and someone I would have like to have become friends with. In this day of social media, it is easy to make friends online and become close to those you have never met in person. Through Rodger's videos, I felt as if I knew him.

I found out about his death last night when I came home from work. This morning I watched Tokyocooney's video tribute to him. This afternoon I made my own video with my thoughts on Rodger.

Kevin Cooney's tribute to Rodger:

My thoughts on Rodger:

Rodger Swan's last video. It was just posted a few days ago. I still can't believe he is gone.

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