Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kobe at night

Kobe 神戸 is a small and beautiful city. I really enjoy living here. It's the fourth city I have lived in while in Asia and is by far my favorite. the seasons are changing and things are cooling down. The nasty heat and humidity that is the Japanese summer is gone and Fall is quickly approaching.

Here is a little video that I quickly put together showing Sannomiya 三ノ宮 (the downtown) at night. I plan to reshoot a similar video once I upgrade to a better camera.

An Autumn Evening in Japan

1 comment:

marlow said...

hey kevin!

go into the html in these blog posts and change the width to 400 pixels wide. your videos are being cut off! :(

in the future you can easily fix it by adjusting the embeding code to 400 pixels wide before copying and pasting it into your blog. ;)