Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Working Life in Japan and Elsewhere

Whether you work in Canada, the United States, Japan or any other country, it can be easy to find yourself falling into the trap of over work! I have been living in this world for more than a year now. Due to my job, a promotion last year, unforeseen recent circumstances and the fact that I teach on Saturdays as well, I am someone who simply works too much.

I put in what seems like a regular 9-5 day at work on paper, but in reality, it is quite different. I arrive at work in the morning and go flat out (no break whatsoever) until it is time to leave. The “office-time” work ends there, but the work at home and on the train doesn’t.

I suppose the five days a week is hard enough, but the additional Saturday workday makes for a week a 6-day workweek. That is really tough. One day off is not enough to recharge your burning out batteries. My six-day workweek has also put a damper on many things I had hoped to do this spring. One dream of mine was to run my first ultra marathon this spring. Two things threw me off the rails. I had a somewhat annoying knee injury and upon scanning several training routines, realized I need to do two long runs on weekends. Due to working Saturdays and having a family I want to spend time with, a Saturday long run would never be a reality!

So, where does this leave me? It leaves me tired and realizing that in the upcoming year I need to change things a little and make sure I have more time to be with my family (the most important thing there is) and for me to relax, unwind and make sure that I am a better teacher. I plan to work less and play more so to speak!

I have also been thinking a great deal about post-Japan work in Canada or abroad. Thoughts of the future of my teaching career are also mixed with daydreams of an independent working life.

Of course, you all know that I am quite a prolific new media content creator. I have a blog and two You Tube channels. I have thousands of subscribers/readers and have now turned my little hobby into a part time job. I do make some income through my blogging and vlogging now and am really excited about that. I love vlogging/blogging and building my social media network. It’s just plain fun. The fact that something so fun has become somewhat profitable for me makes me think about what it might be like to be a professional blogger!

I love the idea of being my own boss. I love the idea of being the captain of my own ship. I love the idea of not having to be folly to the bad decisions and planning of others. I know that am a hard-working and talented guy and I also know I have the ability to push myself towards a goal.

Now, that being said, I have never owned a business. I also can’t imagine how stressful it might be to “have” to write or vlog to pay the bills, but I think it would be cool! Again, I say this now, but first of all, I don’t have the audience size to make any of these dreams a reality and of course, I used to the stability of a steady monthly salary.

Nonetheless, the entrepreneurial spirit is alive in me. I know it is! We will have to see where things lead me in the future. I love writing, I love being in front of a camera and I love being in control of what I do!

Here is an amazing TED Talk video I recently saw about balancing your work life and REAL life!


Unknown said...

Great read keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Very good and important topic. Funny how things change after having kids, I have two of my own. Thanks much for sharing this clip.


Kevin O said...

@Daniel Yes...things do change indeed....and in every way!